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The 5 types of guilt, and effects of guilt

Guilt can make us feel stressful, witch can leave to negative effects on our health. It is important not to remorse over guilt for a long time. The faster you can acknowledge your mistakes, and apologize when necessary, you can get over guilt, and not run the risk of being stressful.

There are five different types of guilt. The first being the most common, and that is guilt for something that you did. This could be for emotionally, or physically hurting someone, lying, or going against your morals. The next type is guilt for something you didn’t do, but want to. This is just like to first one, except you hadn’t done the act yet, but you are thinking of doing so. The third type is guilt for something you though you did. This one can be as bad, or worst than the first type because you are unsure if you had done the act, or not. The way to overcome this is to make sure that the act had happened, if it did, you can fix it. The fourth type is guilt caused by thinking that you hadn’t done enough. If someone is ill or something bad had happened to someone, you would give a lot of time towards helping someone. But suddenly something pops up and you can’t help that person as much, or maybe not at all, you would start to feel guilty about that fact that you are doing nothing towards helping that person. The final type of guilt is guilt that you are doing better than someone else. This is also know as survival guilt. It is from when someone loses a friend, family or someone they love in a event that they survive in. The key to overcome this guilt is to remember how glad you should be for the people who care for you.

“The Effects of Guilt.” The Leadership Advisor. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2013

Whitbourne, Susan K., Ph.D. “The Definitive Guide to Guilt.” Web log post. Psychology Today: Here to Help. Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D., 11 Aug. 2012. Web. 28 Oct. 2013.  

2 responses to “The 5 types of guilt, and effects of guilt

  1. This made me think a lot. I didn’t notice there were so many types of guilt. I also didn’t notice there were solutions to all the types of guilt. I like how you had the types but also the ways to overcome them.

  2. jlhughe

    It might be cool in your last post to talk about one specific type of guilt and how it manifests itself?

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